Parent Teacher Conferences
At the Computer School there are 3 different types of conferences:
-Listening Conferences (September)--between parents and advisor
-Traditional Conferences (Late Fall)--brief meetings between parents and individual teachers
-Student-Led Conferences (March)--presentations led by students, with the parents and advisor.
September 2023 Listening Conferences
STARS Advisors will reach out to parents to schedule these meetings.
November 2023 Conferences
Our second round of conferences will take place later in the fall, in the afternoon and evening. These conferences will be virtual (zoom or phone), brief appointments with some of your child's teachers. We will also offer morning meeting times as well.
We'll send out a link to sign up for conference times in November with multiple reminders. Please sign up as soon as you get the link to ensure you schedule meetings at your preferred times.
Spring Student-Led Conferences, 2024
The final round of conferences will take place in March. As these conferences are student-led, you will make an appointment with you child's STARS teacher for an in-depth meeting at which your child will review their progress, growth, goals, and plans for the future. They will prepare for these conferences with the support of their teachers, creating on online portfolio and sharing written reflections. We'll remind you as the time approaches, of course.