CS Parents Association

The Computer School Parents Association

The Computer School Parents Association (CSPA) is a vital part of the CS family. Our goal is to create a welcoming and supportive community and, at the same time, raise money to fund programs, technology, field trips, sports programs, teaching artists, and so much more! We aim to:


*Build community through events such as a welcome BBQ, fun runs, school dances and breakfasts
*Raise money through family giving and the annual auction to ensure the continued success of our school
*Support teachers by procuring essential educational materials, providing financial support for field trips that augment classroom learning, and funding special arts programming
*Support all our students with social events, access to test prep classes outside of the school day, and extra funding for our social emotional programs at school
*Support parents through raising pertinent issues at PA meetings, connecting with specialists related to the topic of parenting t(w)eens in today’s environment, and our community building events


Every parent, guardian and teacher at CS is a member of the PA. The Executive Board, a group of parent volunteers elected yearly in the spring, works with the membership to support the vision of the school through fundraising and the implementation of programs and initiatives. Any open positions on the Executive Board are reserved for incoming parents/guardians to be elected in the fall.


Every parent or legal guardian of students currently enrolled at The Computer School is automatically a member of the CSPA. The PA relies on each and every family to support the school through family giving and/or volunteering time.

The Department of Education’s funding constraints directly impact our children in the classroom. Additional funding sources are needed on an ongoing basis, ensuring the continued success of our school. In addition to family giving, our Parents Association hosts an auction, our biggest fundraiser of the year. The proceeds help sustain important programs and services offered in the school. 

What the CSPA budget pays for includes, but is not limited to:
Enrichment, educational programs, Computer School staffing, subsidizing school trips, community events (e.g., dances, graduation, etc.), and teaching supplies. 


There are many ways to become involved! You can attend PA meetings, volunteer, attend and support school events, join committees, contribute to fundraisers, and more. We welcome - and need participation at every level. 

PA Executive Board (2023-2024)

Dana Marnin, Sarah Babcock
[email protected]

Recording Secretary
 Tara Summers, Martha Andrews
[email protected]

Scott Bieker, Michelle Rincon
[email protected]

Vice President of Fundraising
Thomas Kurman, Liz Green
[email protected]

Soumountha Keophilavong 

Vice President of Communications
Carla Fernandez
[email protected]

Vice Presidents of Community Affairs
Tiffany James and Lindsey Pollak 
[email protected]

After School Liaison
Kali Karagias
[email protected]

6th Grade Rep.
Sharon Meiri Fox
[email protected]

Equity Team Reps
Liz Ananat, Arelis Figueroa, Sherry Samaroo

Grand Bazaar Market Reps
Theresa Soriano and Sherry Samaroo

Upcoming Meetings

Check out our calendar for upcoming meetings.


Meeting Minutes

PA Executive Board Meeting

Coming soon


PA Policies

CS PA By-Laws
DOE Regulations
Coming soon